Good practices in Julia

How to write better code

Tips and tricks for writing better code

🏗 Under construction

Writing Clean and Readable Code

# Good: Use meaningful variable names and comments
population_size = 1000  # Number of individuals in the population
sample_size = 100       # Number of individuals in the sample

# Avoid: Using unclear or abbreviated variable names
ps = 1000
ss = 100

Using Comments and Documentation

# Good: Add comments to explain complex operations or logic
function calculate_mean(data)
    # Calculate the sum of elements in the data
    total = sum(data)
    # Calculate the mean by dividing the total by the number of elements
    mean_value = total / length(data)
    return mean_value

# Avoid: Lack of comments and explanation
function calc_mean(d)
    t = sum(d)
    m = t / length(d)
    return m

Avoiding Global Variables and Code Dependencies

# Good: Use local variables within functions to avoid global scope pollution
function calculate_variance(data)
    n = length(data)
    mean_value = sum(data) / n
    # Calculate the variance using local variables
    variance = sum((data .- mean_value).^2) / (n - 1)
    return variance

# Avoid: Using global variables in functions
mean_value = 0
function calc_variance(data)
    n = length(data)
    global mean_value = sum(data) / n
    # Calculate the variance using global variables
    variance = sum((data .- mean_value).^2) / (n - 1)
    return variance